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Назва: Inter- and intraspecies variability among yeasts isolated from dairy products
Автори: Zelena, L.
Зелена, Л. Б.
Tkachuk, Nataliia
Ткачук (Смикун), Наталія Василівна
Zahorodnia, S.
Загородня, С.
Ключові слова: yeasts
genome variability
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Biodiversity of Animals, Plants and Microorganisms: Proceedings of the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Diversity
Бібліографічний опис: Zelena L., Tkachuk N., Zahorodnia S. Inter- and intraspecies variability among yeasts isolated from dairy products. Biodiversity of Animals, Plants and Microorganisms: Proceedings of the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Diversity (IECD 2024), 15-17 October 2024, Online. MDPI, Basel-Beijing-Wuhan-Barcelona-Belgrade-Novi Sad-Cluj-Manchester. P. 168.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of the present study was to examine inter- and intraspecies variability among yeast species isolated from Ukrainian dairy products with the help of several molecular genetic markers. Species of Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces and Rhodotorula genera isolated from dairy products were used in this study. Bioinformatic analysis was carried out on nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA, 26S rRNA and ITS-sequence from GenBank using the FaBox (1.41), MEGA 10 and Geneious R6 programs. Molecular genetic analysis was performed by ISSR PCR and RT-qPCR. The results obtained in this study showed that the highest level of polymorphic loci was observed between Kluyveromyces marxianus strains using ISSR markers. Relevant and informative markers were suggested to analyze the inter- and intraspecies diversity of yeast isolated from dairy products.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): erpub.chnpu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10417
Розташовується у зібраннях:Авторські публікації дослідників

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